Addiction Services
What is Addiction Treatment?
Addiction Treatment offers an opportunity for people to look at the impacts of their addiction and understand how addiction is a chronic and progressive disease. The disease of addiction often makes people feel that hope and recovery are not possible, but treatment works to help people find healing and live a life they always wanted.
Addiction Services at Northland Christian Counseling Center
Northland Christian Counseling Center offers a variety of Addiction Services and treatment. Individual needs vary and Northland works to understand each person and what will best help them find sobriety and recovery. NCCC incorporates professional clinical services and Christian faith principles for those hurting and carrying pain in their lives due to the impacts of addiction. If you are a believer, doubting your Christian faith, or a non-believer, this treatment experience is one where you will be given the space to grow spiritually in your faith.
Alcohol and Drug Evaluations-Adult Only
Northland Christian Counseling Center provides DUI Evaluations and self-referred evaluations. At the end of the evaluation, you will be given a review of the assessment and recommendations based on the severity of issues.
Outpatient Addiction Treatment-Adult Only
This service is for individuals who need a lower level of outpatient service. This service usually totals four hours a week which includes three hours of group one day a week and one weekly individual session.
Aftercare/Relapse Prevention
This service is for individuals who have completed treatment and are looking for professionally structured care to continue to work on maintenance of sobriety and recovery.