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Donate. Pray. Share. There are multiple ways to get involved with the ministry of NCCC.
Your electronic donations, gifts and investments are greatly appreciated. Your support and partnership help our Client Assistance Fund. Currently many of our clients are unable to pay their fees. The Client Assistance Fund has been created to provide counseling to those in need but without resources to pay. Northland Christian Counseling Center provides various financial opportunities to make donations and invest in what the Lord is doing at the Center and in the local communities. Contributions may be given by mail or online.
Want to help?
Donate through the Impact Foundation.
The New Horizons Foundation, Inc. is highly recommended as a resource for including Northland Christian Counseling in wills, endowments, scholarships, trusts, annuities, certificate of deposits and IRAs. These types of donations and investments can be made in various stages of life and in varying amounts.
Any problems with donating online or making contact with the New Horizons Foundation, Inc. should be reported to the Northland office, (701) 795-8550.
Northland needs your prayers.
Pray for our executive director; that the Lord would guide him in his decision-making process and give him strength and peace.
Pray for our office staff; that they would be welcoming and gracious in Jesus’ name.
Pray for our clinicians; that they would listen to the Holy Spirit in providing care to their clients.
Pray for our clients; that they would have the Lord’s peace and healing.
Has NCCC made a difference in your life? Here are some stories of restoration…
A young woman, extremely bright in science, came to see me. The most intriguing part of our conversation was when her atheist father came into the room. The young woman told him that, “There must be a God, because He made me to be special.” Her father agreed and they discussed religion, God, and Jesus with me.
The daughter of a client told us that because of her parent’s story, she became a Christian. She is now motivated to go to school. She is also reading the Bible and said that she could really understand it now; that it makes sense. She wondered why she couldn’t read it before. She was drug free for three months.
“I am so full of guilt, and “what if,” and “I should have” that I never sleep and can’t imagine a God who causes so much destruction in my family.” said a client. He cried and talked nonstop about the hurt in his life. We ended our time with him saying this: “Next time, I’m bringing all my Bible questions.”
“I don’t believe in God because why would He hurt people?” said a client. We started talking about who God is and why He sent His Son to die for us. He asked me to find it in the Bible. I did. He asked if he could have a Bible that makes sense. He left saying, “Interesting.”
After seeing my Bible on the table, my client told me that he had no idea what to do to feel closer to Christ. I asked him where Jesus is in his life. “Missing” was the response, “I really want to feel Him.” I asked him if he wanted to have Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord. “What would that mean?” he responded. I asked him if he would like me to lead him in prayer. He did, and he repeated a prayer of salvation after me. We then prayed, and with tears, he said, “Thank you. Now what?”
She was using drugs and trying to avoid being arrested. After a couple visits, she came in to see me with a big smile and said, “I quit using and turned myself in to take the punishment I deserve. Jesus came to me and said that He would be with me and help me though this; that I have better things to do for Him.” She is now 20 months sober. She said, “How can anyone think they can live without Christ?” She now, also goes to AA and NA regularly and is confident that she won’t slip.